How are innovative water treatment and water resource recovery facilities designing large-scale infrastructure upgrade initiatives that pay for themselves? In this webinar, ENGIE North America — which has been helping customers for decades to transition to more efficient and environmentally friendly operations — will explore how to simultaneously:

  • Address deferred maintenance and increasing demand
  • Meet compliance requirements
  • Generate energy and operational savings
  • Develop new sources of revenue
  • The webcast will also summarize a comprehensive infrastructure upgrade project for West County Wastewater, a utility that serves several communities around Richmond, California. The district plans to achieve a 93% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a 4.2 million kWh/year reduction in energy use, and $83 million in cost savings over the life of the project.

Ravi K. Bhaskar, PhD, Senior Wastewater Engineer and Water/Wastewater Commercial Lead, ENGIE North America
Aaron Winer, Director of Water Quality and Resource Recovery, West County Wastewater

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