Fundamental and applied research is an essential component of developing and adopting innovative technologies and practices. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a diverse and expansive network of water-quality professionals who are engaged in all sectors of this profession. The Research and Innovation Forum exists to provide WEF members a central location for the dissemination and discussion of all research related matters across WEF.

RIC Forum V will focus on Pre-digestion Hydrolysis and include speakers from academia, practice, and technology providers. Hear about impacts thermal hydrolysis has on different substrates, tips and tricks for reducing O&M costs, and lessons learned from starting up THP digesters.


  • Tom Nangle, Moderator, Brown and Caldwell
  • Dana Gonzalez, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
  • Kendra Sveum, Loudon Water
  • Chris Peot, DC Water

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