This page will be updated periodically with short summaries of general information, specific water-sector technical information, WEF events information, and links to trusted sites for the most up-to-date official information. For questions or comments on this page or ESG in general, contact Fidan Karimova, Practice Leader Global Sustainability and Innovation

What is ESG?

Water utilities and resource recovery facilities have been leaders in the environmental movement for decades through intrinsic environmental stewardship and extending programs beyond basic compliance whether through water reclamation, becoming net energy neutral, or producing sustainable and closed-loop fertilizers through reclaimed biosolids. Decades later, the private and financial sectors are catching up and prioritizing environmental stewardship.

In an effort to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors, in April 2022 the SEC proposed a rule that would require publicly traded companies to publish Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data. The Water Sector has an important role in ESG – not only in providing reporting to improve investor metrics but in the potential marriage of water resources (energy, reclaimed effluent, nutrients) for marketing to the private ESG sector.  The ESG movement is rapidly changing and growing.  WEF seeks to share information related to ESG and share information about overall trends and drivers in the industry that will help utilities prepared for the future. 


What role does the water sector have in ESG?

WEF is a UN Water Partner and supporter of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).  Every year at WEFTEC, WEF hosts the SDG 6 Theater, which is highlighted at the WEFTEC Innovation Pavilion. 

Use the buttons below to access more in-depth information

WEF Resources    News     Upcoming and Past Events    ESG Accelerator     



WEF Resources

WEF has a variety of ESG resources available to members and non-members.

ESG Accelerator Announcement

ESG Factsheet

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Coming Soon

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Upcoming and Past Events

WEF continues to seek out and share information surrounding ESG through a variety of media and learning sessions.  These are archived below.

  • WEF ESG Webcast: The goal of this webcast is to introduce the topic of ESG, from how ESG reporting is being leveraged by investors to disclosures and framework used for reporting. This webcast seeks to share knowledge that meets members where they’re at and fosters meaningful discussion. The discussion will start with unpacking ESG and its place in our industry. It will continue by mapping the journey of others (utilities, industries, and the agencies that interpret ESG reporting on behalf of investors) to demonstrate that ESG is not just a report but a tool to position your organization for investment, improve branding, and retain talent. The format will include presentations and a panel discussion to entertain questions from the audience.
  • SDG Theater @ WEFTEC 2022
  • Industrial Program Plenary Session @ WEFTEC:  Industrial sector leaders present projects and programs tied to their corporate sustainability and ESG strategies.

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ESG Accelerator

The WEF ESG Accelerator seeks to provide guidance for water and wastewater utilities in understanding Environmental, Social, and Governance requirements and reporting, to share examples from early adapters, who will share and break down their ESG Reports, and to demonstrate how water and wastewater utilities can adapt language that conforms with broader market ESG requirements.  This includes:

  • Define ESG And what it means to the Water and Resource Recovery sectors.
  • Share information about the importance of ESG for driving access to capital, improving credit-worthiness, attracting and retaining talent, branding, and addressing supply chain and management risks around climate change.
  • Share the experiences of leading utilities on why and how they pursued ESG reporting.
  • Illustrate how to translate their water-energy-nutrient progress into investor-ready information that is also accessible to ratepayers and other stakeholders.
  • While publicly traded firms look to make climate-positive and water-positive commitments, the Water Sector is able to offer resources and investment options that align with ESG needs. Demonstrate opportunities for cross-industry collaboration to accelerate private-sector climate-focused projects and provide financial benefit to POTWs.
  • Educate utilities on the first steps necessary to embark on their own ESG reporting journey.


Current Chairs:

Will Peterson, AECOM

Kjrsten Bobb, Stanley Consultants


Past Chairs:

Karri Ving, Brown and Caldwell

Mandy Sheposh, Johnson Controls


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