STEMpath Application Process

Applications for STEMpath 2024 are now closed.

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Application Questions

  1. Who Are You? Tell us a little about yourself (where you're from, interests, hobbies, random facts, etc.) (150 word limit)
  2. Why Are You Applying? Why are you appyling for the 2024 InFLOW STEMpath track and what do you hope to gain by your participation in the program? (100 word limit)
  3. Familiarity of the Industry: On a scale of 0-10, how would you rate your familiarity with the water industry?
  4. Why the Water Industry?  Why are you interested in the Water Industry?  What are your current career goals, and how might they align with water? (150 word limit)

Faculty or Professor Sponsor is required:

Having a professor/faculty member as a sponsor is an integral component of this program as they work closely with applicants and can be your advocate as you talk with professors about your absence when at WEFTEC. Any professor or faculty member may identify and sponsor promising upper-division undergraduate or master’s degree students to the InFLOW STEMpath Program. The professor/faculty member may accompany scholars to WEFTEC and will be provided with a complimentary WEFTEC registration. The adviser also helps acquaint applicants with information about WEF student chapters (if you have one), the water industry, opportunities on campus related to this, and assist with ensuring you have time off to fully participate in the program. Please list the name and email address of your sponsor and we will follow up with them with a form to fill out confirming their intention to sponsor you.


Learn about Student Eligibility and Requirements