Feb. 16, 2018 - On February 12th the Administration released its budget plan for FY 2019. EPA funding is cut by more than 25% to $6.1 billion from FY17 levels, though water infrastructure funding is basically held flat. A proposed cut that deep is expected to encounter resistance from Senate Democrats and likely some Republicans, as well.

The proposed budget maintains funding levels for EPA-funded water infrastructure programs.  In fact, overall, the EPA’s two largest water funds—the Clean Water SRF and Drinking Water SRF — would receive almost $2.3 billion in FY2019.  

However, the President seeks to eliminate or greatly reduce regional water quality programs, including the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and Chesapeake Bay Regional Clean-up programs which would be cut by 90%.  Trump proposed to eliminate those programs in its 2018 budget, but Congress kept the funding.  

Community Development Block Grants, the Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the USDA Rural Water and Waste Disposal programs were also eliminated in the President's budget.

State water pollution programs would also get less funding, particularly non point source pollution grants, which would be eliminated.

Many Members in states particularly hit by these funding reductions and eliminations have vowed to fight to restore the funding.  (Bloomberg BNA, 2/12/2018)