Jan. 19, 2018 — After an intense week of negotiations and disagreements, the House of Representatives passed another one month Continuing Resolution (CR) by a mostly party line vote (230-197) just a day before the current government funding deal was about to expire. The CR will extend funding for the Federal government through February 16.

Unfortunately, the Senate does not yet have enough votes to pass the legislation as of 4 PM, EST. Jan. 19th.   While the legislation did include a six year reauthorization for the Children’s Health Insurance Program-- a “must” for many Members of Congress-- many Democrats are still united in opposing the CR – mostly out of frustration with the failure of Congressional leaders to reach a bipartisan deal that would raise spending caps for the current fiscal year and offer a legislation fix to protect immigrant “Dreamers” from deportation.  Unlike in the House, Democrats have the power to block most legislation in the Senate.  (CQ Budget, 1/19/18)

Several Republicans including Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are expected to vote against the bill, as well, so gaining support from Senate Democrats will be critical to passage.

Congress must pass the CR and send it to the President’s desk before midnight tonight to avoid a shutdown.