April 13, 2018 - On Thursday, the Senate confirmed former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as EPA deputy administrator. Wheeler, a long-time former Senate aide, cleared the chamber by a vote of 53-45, with Democrats Joe Manchin (D-WV), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) joining the Republicans in support of Wheeler.

Wheeler previously worked for the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, including under former Chairman James Inhofe (R-OK).

Some Democrats raised concerns that his ties to the fossil fuel industry could influence his actions at the EPA, but many acknowledged they knew him from is time with the EPW Committee and felt they could work with him at EPA. 

Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) spoke in opposition to Wheeler’s confirmation stating it was important to consider how Wheeler will address Pruitt’s ethical lapses, “because it has become clear that my Republican colleagues will not do so.”

Meanwhile, Committee Chair John Barrasso (R-WY) maintained Wheeler is the right person for the job, saying, “his wealth of experience at the EPA, on Capitol Hill, and in the private sector have prepared him for this leadership position.”  (Roll Call, April 13, 2018)